Good bliss
Good bliss

Bliss is a part of life. Bliss is a feeling where you feel blissful. Bliss can give you a blissful life. And a blissful life is a need. Cause bliss is beautiful. Bliss has many about. One is bliss about love, because bliss has a connection to love. Therefore, bliss comes from love. And bliss has a source too. Which is ourselves. Cause bliss that comes from love is coming from ourselves too. Like knowledge, ourselves is the source and love is the knowledge. Both of those need each other to generate bliss. Cause both of those are important. But to generate good bliss, source is the most important. Cause a good source will generate good bliss. And a good source is a source that comes from a good orientation. And that good orientation is a heterosexual orientation.

a mutan

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